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School Site Council

What is School Site Council and What is its function:   

The purpose of School Site Council is to develop a School Plan for using the supplemental resources to increase student understanding of and success in learning the core curriculum.


Key Responsibilities of the School Site Council:

1.  Develop a School Plan, including a budget utilizing Categorical Funds.

2.  Contents of Plan:

  • A clear statement of goals for the school and what the school hopes to accomplish to better meet these goals.
  • An assessment of how effective the school's current program is in improving students' achievement.
  • A description of the actions that will be used by the school to support its improvement strategies.
  • Shows how the school will determine if its efforts have been successful.

3.  Update the School Plan at least once each year and more often as the SSC makes changes.

4.  Approval by the Local Governing Board once each year or when changes are made.

Agendas and MinutesTop of Page